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Our Federation Highlees Primary School
Eyrescroft Primary School

Primary School

Inspire • Achieve • Celebrate

Relationship, Health and Sex Education in Year 6

On Friday, 7th July and Tuesday, 11th July, we will be delivering Relationship, Health and Sex education to Year 6 children.

These sessions will cover changes that boys and girls experience during puberty and how a baby develops from conception to birth. Teaching about puberty (Friday, 7th July) is classified as health education and is part of the science curriculum and will be delivered to all children.

Parents do have the right to withdraw their child from teaching about conception and birth (Tuesday, 11th July) which is classified as sex education. If you wish to withdraw your child from this session, you will need to come into school to complete a withdrawal form.

If you have any other questions or concerns about these sessions, please contact Mr Maddren.