Bringing out the Best
Based close to the centre of Peterborough, Highlees Primary School has a long and strong history of serving the local community and of teaching generations of families. We are a two-form entry school with children from Reception through to Year 6 learning in an environment that engages, focuses and inspires them to do well.
I am exceptionally proud to be the Principal here at Highlees Primary School. Our dedicated team of staff and the wider Trust, the Elliot Foundation, have one end goal; “Where children believe they can, because teachers know they can.” This reflects our conviction that raising expectations for all children and teachers is at the heart of a successful and inclusive society. Children are at the heart of everything we do and Highlees is at the heart of the community.
At Highlees, we aim to provide all pupils with a stimulating and inclusive educational environment in which everyone feels safe, respected and supported to grow and develop to their full potential and able to prepare for the next stage of their learning journey.
We are committed to raising attainment in English and Maths, improving outcomes for ALL pupils by providing them with a range of high quality learning experiences through an inspiring, broad and engaging curriculum. We want our children to love coming to school, be active learners who are curious, enjoy and achieve in all aspects of their learning.
We work hard to involve families in all aspects of life within the school and are proud of our community work. We recognise our cultural diversity that makes up our school community, seeing it as a strength, which we celebrate at every opportunity.
Our website has been designed to provide you with some useful information about our academy and as a vehicle to share with you what goes on at Highlees Primary School. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
I sincerely look forward to welcoming you and your child(ren) to the School.
We will be delighted to welcome you to the School to share our vision and values, our culture and climate for learning and the aspirations we have for our community of learners.
Mr Chris Venables
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17 February
All Day
20 February
1:00pm – 3:00pm
21 February
9:00am – 10:00am
24 February
All Day
24 February
All Day
24 February
All Day
24 February
9:15am – 11:15am
25 February
All Day
25 February
All Day
26 February
All Day
26 February
All Day
26 February
All Day
27 February
All Day
27 February
All Day
27 February
All Day
27 February
9:00am – 10:30am
27 February
1:00pm – 3:00pm
28 February
All Day
Our wonderful kitchen staff have baked us a Valentines treat for lunch today. Thank you ♥️
Year 4 have been exploring persuasive language using the role play drama convention. We became characters from our class text Demon Dentist by @davidwalliams . We have found this book hilarious and can’t wait to find out what happens at the end tomorrow!
Disaster! Emergency! Daisy and Dexter managed to get themselves stuck in the tree. #EYFS had to come up with a plan to rescue them. We all made a design and then used a range of materials to build them. Thankfully they worked and everyone is safe and sound #designandtechnology
Thank you to @PboroCops who visited our #EYFS classes today. We had a wonderful morning finding out lots of information about the police service. We loved listening to PSCOs Martha and Ronnie as they told us all about the job, uniform and equipment #PboroNPTNorth #community
This week in Forest School we looked for signs of spring. We found some more frogs and heard the birds calling one another. We had a look at the snowdrops and spotted they had opened, which shows that the weather is getting warmer. We then had a go at drawing them #earlyyears
EYFS had a great time during their hospital role play day. The children took it in turns being the patient and then the doctor. Lots of lovely language used
Messy play in full swing at Highlees Toddler group today from 9-10.30am
Year 2 put their knowledge of using cylinders to make strong structures to the test. They made chairs to support their bears. @ElliotSchools
This week in Forest School we used our fine motor skills to create snakes for Chinese New Year. We threaded 4 bamboo beads onto a pipe cleaner, bending each end round to ensure it stayed in place. We then took our snakes on a dance around the woodland #ChineseNewYear2025
Chinese New Year celebrations continue in #EYFS this week. The children have enjoyed taking part in a range of activities and learning more about the celebration #earlyyears
Some of our amazing still life drawings Year 4 have produced this week! #weareartists
Have you ever wondered where your poo comes from? Year 4 have been investigating how the food we eat transforms into faeces, and how the body takes the nutrients we need! It was a bit gross, but we learned a lot!
Year 4 have been learning about the digestive system and created these fantastic models from modelling clay!
Do you know someone who needs a winter coat?
This week #EYFS are learning Chinese New Year. We started the week by making Chinese fans, traditional dancing and having a delicious feast using chop sticks #earlyyears
Superheroes assemble! EYFS parents were invited to a spectacular superhero themed morning completing lots of superhero crafts and activities #earlyears
Please see our Spring Term Dinner Menu below. Please note that this is subject to change. It is likely that 21st January will not be chicken and sweetcorn pie but pork sausages instead. Please book your child's dinners on school grid in the usual way.
Highlees Baby & Toddler group starts back this week on Thursdays 9.00am -10.30am, everyone welcome.
Eyrescroft Primary School
01733 262190